Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Arguing as an enabler for innovation

Do you have the right to question or even argue with your boss? In most cases, people would say 'are you kidding!!'. Without the right to argue, how can management even hope to avoid the potholes and cliffs that we all face. In the case of innovation, the right to argue is paramount to creating a 'creative culture' that delivers results. -From Phil McKinney's Blog: The Right To Argue
I consider myself lucky to be in an environment where I can have a very constructive "discussion" with my boss. This post by Phil McKinney (Check out his podcast - it's fantastic!) promotes arguing as an enabler for innovation. From my experience, arguing can be VERY productive, but it's important to make sure that you keep the following in mind:
  1. Focus on the issue at hand.
  2. Use well thought-out logic and supporting details-especially if the argument takes place in a group setting.
  3. If the argument is not being productive, STOP.